The Minardo pasta factory is an artisan production laboratory, certified organic, born in Sicily, in the 2007, with the aim of producing high quality pasta, with local ancient grain varieties such as Russello and Timilia, respecting the environment and people's health.
What do we do
and very weak gluten, highly digestible, which is easily absorbed by the intestine and does not create eating disorders.

How we work
Our production chain is entirely local, it does not involve any use of synthetic chemicals and is carried out for each variety, from cultivation to storage, to the subsequent processing stages.
All the grains used for the Minardo Pasta are grown in Sicily, aiming at the enhancement of the territory and of the workers, thanks to ethical production contracts.
Lo storage occurs separately for each variety, while the milling it is carried out in cylinders for the semolina and in stone for the wholemeal, in order not to remove the wheat germ, rich in Vitamin E.
The semolina is kneaded at room temperature, con mineral water coming from a source of the Nebrodi mountains, famous for its purity. The pasta comes bronze drawn ed dried slowly, at low temperatures, from 24 to 72 hours.
Our history
Giorgio Minardo, before founding the pasta factory, he worked as an electronic engineer in Turin.
At the end of the 90s, he decided to return to Sicily to carry out a family project.
In that time, due to some health problems, changed job and lifestyle, adopting ahealthy eating.
In the 2000 began to research and discovered that one of the variety of wheat most used to make pasta, from 1975, had been modified with gamma rays. Thus began research on wheat varieties cultivated in Sicily before '75, now little used because they are scarcely productive and profitable.
Despite the skepticism of most, in those years, started a collaboration with the Experimental Station for Graniculture of Caltagirone, for the multiplication and cultivation of ancient varieties of Sicilian grains, prior to experiments with gamma rays.
From these researches, the desire to make one developed pasta line made with ancient Sicilian wheat flour.
The initial stages of this visionary project were certainly not without difficulties: first of all it was necessary to find farmers willing to devote themselves to this type of crop, at that time considered not very advantageous economically, then it was necessary to find mills that were available to grind these grains, keeping them separate, finally it was necessary to find pasta factories willing to make this pasta.
After various researches and experiments, in the 2007, Giorgio Minardo decided to open a small pasta factory, in Modica, to self-produce their own pasta line.
Thanks to these researches, Giorgio Minardo can be considered the precursor of a movement which led to the rediscovery of an inestimable heritage of biodiversity such as the varieties of ancient Sicilian grains, a story made of passion and courage, which has returned to humanity some very precious varieties of wheat for health and respect for the environment.